Here are the hygiene ratings for every school and nursery in Biddulph

Over the last few weeks we have shown you the ratings of every pub, café, restaurant and takeaway in Biddulph - now it's time to find out how the town's schools and nurseries rank when it comes to food hygiene.
Staffordshire Moorlands District Council inspectors ensure safety standards across the borough and dish out a rating to all food venues ranging from 0 (urgent improvement necessary) to 5 (very good).
The ratings cover the areas of food handling, cleanliness of the building and facilities, and food safety management.
We have compiled a list of all of the ratings for every school and nursery in Biddulph listed on the Food Hygiene Agency website.
Find out how they ranked below.
Five out of five (Very Good) - Biddulph Moor First School. Last inspection: 09 July 2019 - Our Lady of Grace Catholic Academy. Last inspection: 25 January 2021 - Oxhey First School. Last inspection: 13 October 2020 - Roaches Upper School. Last inspection: 28 September 2020 - Squirrel Hayes First School. Last inspection: 25 January 2021 - Woodhouse Academy. Last inspection: 27 February 2020 - Biddulph High School. Last inspection: 17 October 2018 - Compass Catering at Knypersley First School. Last inspection: 01 December 2020 - James Bateman Junior High School. Last inspection: 13 October 2020 - Raindrops Day Nursery / Pre School Last inspection: 02 December 2020 - Happy Hours Day Nursery. Last inspection: 18 September 2020 - Tiny Toez. Last inspection: 02 December 2020 - Willow Tree Day Nursery. Last inspection: 28 September 2020Four out of five (Good)
- Compass Catering at Kingsfield First School Academy. Last inspection: 10 December 2020
- Little Rockets Day Nursery. Last inspection: 18 September 2020
All in all its a great showing for Biddulph, with every school and nursery in the town being ranked either five or four stars! Let us know your thoughts in the social media comments.Don't forget to sign up to our newsletter below!
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