Meet the Biddulph artist aiming to turn her passion for painting into a successful business

A Biddulph woman with a passion for painting says she dreams of making enough money with her art to take her family on holiday.
Local resident Kayla Powell has used her love of creating art to launch her own business, Kayla's Artisan Creations.
Kayla, who also works as a teacher sells her unique watercolour and ink paintings through the business - she says she is hoping the business will come in handy amidst the rising cost of living.
We spoke to Kayla all about her passion for painting and her dreams for the future!
Read our interview below...

Hi Kayla, thanks for talking to us about your new art business! When did you first set up the business and how has it been going so far?
My art business is something very new. However, being creative is something that has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I love taking pictures, painting and making craft items.

What made you decide to start?
With rising costs to petrol and general living I wanted to try and bring in extra money for my family so I decided to set up my business. I love to paint pictures so it seemed and obvious choice.

Have you always had a passion for art or is it something you have recently got into and what inspired you to get into it?
I love all things art and creativity. I thoroughly enjoy taking pictures and making craft as well as painting. It's something that helps me to relax. When I'm painting I can shut off my mind and completely focus on blending the colours to get the perfect shades.

Are they all your original paintings? What are some of your favourite things to paint and how would you describe your artwork?
All of my artwork is original. I would definitely say I'm inspired by Quentin Blake, our local history and nature. I love painting pot banks with a nature twist. I quite often combine my love for photography and paintings. I'll take a picture of something or somewhere and simplify it into my artwork. My artwork is watercolour and ink using cold pressed watercolour paper.

What are your hopes and plans for the future of the business and what would be your dream to achieve with it over the next few months or years?
I'd love to grow my business. My dream would be that my business could pay for a family holiday. Given the economy as it is a family holiday is a luxury we can't afford at the moment. It would mean the absolute world to be able to tell my sons we're going on an aeroplane. I am not very good with social media and advertising so growing the business is definitely something I'm finding very hard to do.
In addition I would really love to find somewhere local to display and sell my art such as a shop. I've contacted a few places but not having any luck so far.

What would you say to encourage people to check out your artwork and maybe buy it?
My artwork is not only unique if you buy it ready made but I can also do commissions, so I can make a picture for you personally. My very good friend recently went to Bali. She asked for a picture of a turtle and some flowers to help her remember her trip. She was extremely happy with the outcome. I love a challenge and happily give anything a go.

How can people find you and your business?
I can be contacted through email at [email protected]