Gallery: Biddulph boy's charity haircut raises over £1,300

By Jack Lenton

23rd May 2022 | Local News

A Biddulph boy who grew his hair for three years has raised over £1,300 for a local charity after finally having it cut this weekend.

Biddulph Nub News reported previously how 12-year-old Zach had been growing his hair since 2019. This weekend, he finally had it cut, with the hair being donated to the Little Princess Trust, a charity that provides wigs for young people who have lost their hair due to cancer treatment or other illnesses.

Zach had his haircut on Saturday at Colour Code in Brindley Ford, and people were invited to go along and support him, with Biddulph mayor Jim Garvey and the town crier, John Robinson, both being in attendance.

The haircut was also held to raise money for local charity Douglas Macmillan hospice, who cared for Zach's grandmother before she passed away.

And the fundraising has been a massive success, with the haircut raising an amazing £1,350 for the local charity.

Well done to Zach on his incredible efforts! To see Zach braving his haircut after three years look through the gallery of pictures at the top of this article.


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